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A South African Geek Culture

Stories on what the Geeks from across the country are up to, stay informed.

UI/UX - Which One Massages Your Feelings?

We have seen tons of apps and applications big ones, small ones, beautiful ones, ugly ones, live ones, dead ones and each moment with them is either memorable or has barred our feelings into visiting them again. Software has become a way of living, it is there to help us wake up, help us prepare, work, interact to our needs and help us to sleep to wake up again. Our needs with software is different but either way, we want it to massage our feelings. Software design is growing viral with new pla
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
4 min read

Social Engineering

“The Art of Human Hacking” as Christopher Hadnagy describes it. This is a non-technical form of authorized information gathering. It relies heavily on human interaction. In the context of information security, social engineering is the art of manipulating people into giving up confidential information. The easiest way to get a person’s password is not by formulating remarkable algorithms that spit combinations at the speed of light. Usually you can get it by simply asking. Criminals use this f
3 min read

Programmer's playground

It is not secret that varsity may prepare us but hardly equips us enough to be ready to receive the rapid demand on delivery of the working world. It is important to take it upon oneself to be further educated and be informed about the skills relevant to your trade. Knowledge is not only an asset. It is fast becoming a skill across all industries. “Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased constantly or it vanishes”- Peter Drucker Attending meetups, hackathons and conferences etc.
4 min read

Cloud enablement

The cloud environment is coupled with internet based data exchange and access, and internet based access to low cost computing and applications. The characteristics of cloud computing include on-demand self-servicing, pooled resources, which allow economies of scale, elastic capacity and usage based billing. Internet access is a must for cloud utilization. Walking into a data centre, you walk into walls of large servers storing information heading from one end to the other. Cloud enablement off
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Head of the IT project

The biggest impact that any tech implementation has is change. How that change is managed has a lot of influence on the success of the project. There is much to be said about the roles, relationships and priorities carried by the lead of the project. The increased awareness of the business/IT merger is bringing about discussions with regards to the importance, difference and relevance of who heads the IT project. Business or IT- The business analyst, or the project manager. The business may be
2 min read

What about the boys?

I am a female in IT, proudly. I believe in the empowering of women in this field however, I also believe in equality, especially when it comes to opportunity. Many women feel that they have to work twice as hard to prove themselves in the workplace as compared to their male counterparts. This may be a challenge but, are we not instilling inequality when all opportunities are targeted to the females? We often hear of CSI initiatives, bursaries and sometimes even entry level IT jobs directed spe
2 min read


Cyber technology has introduced new and unique ethical issues that couldn’t have existed before computers. Human error plays a great role in how cyber threats become a reality. One bad move causes an exponential trigger. For big companies, an attack on one computer could spread resulting in an overload on the network with a DoS(Denial of service) attack disabling the OS and significantly affecting the systems operability. The effects vary from an increase of outgoing messages to a complete net
3 min read

National Electronics Week - The Geeks Tell

So there we were busy with our normal lives, being Geeky, munching, stressing and debugging on the code, developing mobile apps. Tiyani Nghonyama [] received an email that got him excited, an invite to the National Electronics Week ADEC Expo 2014. [] [] Tiyani is from an electronics background and he's very passionate about the field and had had worked with vario
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
6 min read

Degree vs Certification

This debate dates way back and is equivalent to asking whether the chicken or the egg came first. The IT industry is one where a person can make a living because of their general interest and not on a qualification. That, however, is rarely the case. In the real world employers want to see some sort “proof of ability” Some argue that certifications are the way to go with the IT industry being so dynamic now more than ever. That may be a vulnerability because with each new release you would have
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Big Data

There is no “one size fits all” solution with how a company goes about using their data to find insight. This provides an endless stream of competitive advantage. Two companies may have the same data but may be using it differently to find new trends and to predict what it is that their consumers will want next. One of the many new buzzwords that everyone is hearing is BIG DATA. So, what is big data? It is the collection and analysis of large amounts of data that is generated by people, machine
2 min read

IoT (Internet of things)

Believe it or not, IoT is the transferring of data from one machine to another without any human-to-computer interaction. It is a manifestation that has evolved from micro-electromechanical systems, wireless and internet technologies. This means that technological value can be added to anything that can be given an IP address and has the ability to transfer data. > "The complexity of IoT interconnections rapidly outstrips our ability to unravel them" Andrew Rose One of the risks that may not
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Your social media footprint

Social Media now has a bigger impact than ever on people both getting and losing jobs. Although this should be a personal space, more employers are looking to social media to get a feel of their employees and applicants. The amount off accountability has increased significantly and even things you post within your personal capacity can be negatively held against you. Your social media footprint is any information that can be found about you online. It is the trail that is left behind every time
2 min read