#Top15YoungGeeks - Meet Mzwakhe Besho

#Top15YoungGeeks - Meet Mzwakhe Besho

A well preserved young man, prides himself in doing his work to his utmost abilities. He always push himself to the ultimate limit when it comes to school work.

Mzwakhe has fully dedicated himself to try his best to ensure that he helps his fellow peers to achieve. He at times like to treat the ladies with extra special attention because he believes that we need more female achievers in our country.

Appreciate the past, utilize the present and don't be afraid to create the future.

Dear South African Geeks: We always say to ourselves if its not broke why fix it. Business people always say there is no need to reinvent the wheel, forgetting all skyscrappers were once slap of stones, Google was once just scrap of codes. Create the future.

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