The SKAHack 2016 is almost here
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is an international effort to build the world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope. The SKA project is driven by Big Data ,collaborating to confront Big Data challenges and developing skills in Big Data management. Sol Plaatjie University and WITS have introduced data science to address the skills shortage in South Africa. Big Data continues to be one of the growing trends in the world with the number of internet users growing from 4 million in 2004 to 3.2 billion in 2015. This will be co-hosted by South Africa and Australia.
Geekulcha and the Northern Cape Department of Economic Development, and Tourism (DEDaT) will be hosting the FIRST ever hackathon for SKA themed SKA Knowledge. This is an initiative by the DEDaT. Through a theme "SKA Knowledge", the hackathon will gather developers, entrepreneurs, designers, data scientists and public representatives together to build civic tech while realising socio-economic value.
The hack will take place at Mayibuye Centre (Main hall), Kimberley on 12-13 March 2016. Don’t worry about being a first time hacker, there is something for everyone and crash courses will be given for the tools that can be used during the hack. Lessons to be learned include networking, developing, design, entrepreneurship, business analysis and presentation skills.
Participants will be presenting solutions to the judges using mobile apps, websites, and other methods of impacting the community. It’s best to bring your A game because SKAHack will be putting support structures in place to support technical and business development for the best solutions.
As if being involved with the development of the world’s biggest telescope isn’t exciting enough, Mlab Southern Africa will be sponsoring trips to the GKHack16 for the winners of the SKAHack. Does that not make you want to register already?
To get more information about the SKAHack visit the website HERE
“This promises to establish Africa as a hub for expanding scientific inquiry” – Jacob Zuma