The countdown begins: Geekulcha hackathon 2016

The countdown begins: Geekulcha hackathon 2016

Here we are again. It is time for another jam packed weekend filled with creation, innovation and fun. This will be the third annual GKHack taking place 24-26 June 2016 at the innovation hub. It is a great opportunity for young tech Geeks to develop solutions and network with one another to showcase their expertise.

The theme for this year’s hack is “SMART GROWING WORLD”. The aim is to develop solutions that help people adapt in this vast changing world. The focus will be education, health, gaming, entertainment, social media, fashion, construction, water, open data, data science, music, art and makers. There are no boundaries.

Everyone is invited. The hack is open to all and will bring together creatives, designers, entrepreneurs, innovators and developers. This is not just a programming event, the GKHack will provide a learning experience for business case writing and presentation skills.

Prototypes will be submitted and pitched on the last day of the hack. You know what that means? There is a winning prize. The hack will be both user and tech centred. Solutions will be assessed on addressing a need and the best use of emerging technology in implementation.

Quick tips on things to think about when creating your solution are:

Market potential
Socio-economical impact and

Bring out your inner Geek at the Geekulcha hackathon 2016. You don’t want to miss this.

Sign up at

Click here to take a look at what happened at the GKHack15