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A South African Geek Culture
Stories on what the Geeks from across the country are up to, stay informed.
Future GeekStars
#Top15YoungGeeks - Meet Regina Kgatle
The Geek ecosystem in South Africa is vibrant and ready to play a critical role in helping with the digital transformation of our common society. With a community of over 9 000 students, Geekulcha celebrates some of the coolest young Geeks in the country. Honouring Top 15 Young Geeks [] in the country who are playing a part in the Digital Revolution. Meet Regina Kgatle Cleverly disguising educational content in arcade-style games, Regina Kgatle is blurring the b
#Top15YoungGeeks - Meet Dineo Malatjie
The Geek ecosystem in South Africa is vibrant and ready to play a critical role in helping with the digital transformation of our common society. With a community of over 9 000 students, Geekulcha celebrates some of the coolest young Geeks in the country. Honouring Top 15 Young Geeks [] in the country who are playing a part in the Digital Revolution. Meet Dineo Malatjie Dineo hails from Mpumalanga, initially came to Gauteng to study medicine but ended up with Com
Local Meetup for $60 000 #OCIC17 Challenge
Annually, over $9.5 Trillion is spent on public contracts by Governments from around the world. There is a need to bringing more efficiency and integrity in these public contracts. The Open Contracting Partnership [] and Open Data Institute [] are looking for heroes (innovators) who can come up with game-changing solutions in public procurement. Open Contracting Innovation Challenge 2017 [] is now open for applications.
The First #gkVacWork Tech Debate
The Geekulcha Vacation Work (VacWork) programme is designed for high school learners giving the exposure and skills in ICT. They get to spend holidays with the Geeks getting trained, mentored and build ICT solutions with their simulated Tech startups. Reported everyday to the CodeTribe Academy at The Innovation Hub. 09:00 - 16:00. April edition of the programme introduced a Technology Debate to get the youngsters engaged in digital discussion and most importantly, learn and find more interest i
#gkVacWork Scholars Win at Hack4Water
A programme dedicated to high school learners, the Geekulcha Vacation Work(VacWork) programme aims to groom the Geeks of the future through ICT and Business Skills. Since 2014, the VacWork has taken youngsters to a simulated working environment where they learn, get mentored by the Geeks and build products/services using ICT tools. In Gauteng, the programme is implemented in collaboration with The Innovation Hub [], City of Tshwane [
The Struggle Within
Authors: Rhulani Salani and Prudence Mahlangu Follow: @nonhlanhlaprudy @rhulani_carlle It’s so easy to follow the crowd, to fake a smile, to do what pleases everyone but at the end of the day there is a battle inside each of us, a battle to find ourselves, our true purpose, to find fulfillment, to find joy. Many are times where we settle for less because we think we have reached our limit, that 9 to 5 job, that basic salary. We have been programmed from an early age by the system of the world
My Inseparable Friend
Written by Mrs Lungile Mohale Follow us Twitter: @sibo_luluMohale As I woke up this morning thanks to my friend's voice, reaching out to me from my dreams to awake, I was reminded what a friend indeed, I have. She holds my hand, sits securely next to me, stares at me with longing and adoration and whispers sweet things in my ear. We are inseparable, two peas in a pot. If you were to see my friend, she is a reflection of myself, like my shadow although sometimes a crooked version of me. She is
GKSS Leaders Graduate Cum Laude
The Geekulcha Student Society (GKSS) was first established at the Sol Plaatje University in Kimberley Northern Cape, 2015. GKSS seeks to grow a Geek Culture on campus to stimulate, cultivate and accelerate Student Innovation. A team of 6 members became the faces of Geekulcha at the newly established university. Of the leaders was Ms Nomfundo Nkosi as the Chairperson and Ms Joyce Munetsi as the PR Manager, both studied Information Technology (Applications Development) at the university. For the
Geekulcha Open For Innovation
Author: Nkosana Ndlela What is innovation? The definition from dictionary “The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value for which customers will pay”, with kasi definition, “creating something with your hands”. All these definitions about innovation are true and correct but in our world of science and Technology innovation is “new idea, device or method or application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing m
What Makes Us Different From Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Prudence Mahlangu and Rhulani Salani Have you ever stopped and wondered how human beings function as a whole, which algorithm can be written to perform a certain task. Well, general Artificial Intelligence is triggering the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills of how to simulate people. The Artificial Intelligence has motivated technophile to research and does analytical thinking about how they could apply the human reaction to machinery. We find it amazing how the human
Systems Analysis
Authors: Claudio Manuel, Gundo Ligudu, Loyd Mafoo Twitter: @ClaudeElSousa [], @GundoVictory2 [], @Loyd_NXK [] “It's easier to make a working system fast than to make a fast system work” plus “you can not argue with a working system”. Being able to solve a problem is the beginning of applying systems analysis principles. Using the right methods to solve problems saves time and money in software develop
Social Geeks
Written by Ms Oitumetse Lekana & Mrs Lungile Mohale Follow us Twitter: @lekana_o [] and @sibo_luluMohale [] Do geeks have a social life? Hell yeah. Days are gone where geeks were a marginalised group of individuals, stereotyped as boring, extroverts, creepy, not fun and male.There are four different type of geeks. The night owl who codes in dreams and is always up late, the early Bird who has breakfast by the keyboard ,the perfecti
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