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A South African Geek Culture

Stories on what the Geeks from across the country are up to, stay informed.

SkateHacks: Maker Meet Skater at KDC

Skateboarding: One of the activities that brings art, creativity, fun and livelihood together. The Kimberley Diamond Cup (KDC) [] is one of the biggest skating events in Africa and brings over 100 skaters from 50 countries into South Africa for the Skateboarding World Championships. The world is growing smarter and we need to adapt, Geekulcha has entered into a collaboration with Northern Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDaT) [http://economic.
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
1 min read

Maker Librarians at MakerEdu Conference

For the first time in South Africa, our friends at Think Ahead Education Solutions and Create Africa, hosted Makerspace in Education Conference. The conference took place at the Redhill School in Sandton , 07 May. As the conference was targeted for teachers, it was quite fascinating to explore how the education system might look like in the future with the integration of MakerSpaces. Over 100 teachers got a chance to learn how they can start a MakerSpace in their schools. The Geekulcha Maker L
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
1 min read

Intel Training at UP

Intel Software and Services through Geekulcha reached out at the University of Pretoria for a Maker-based training for students. The training consisted of the Intel RealSense and Intel Edison board. The training was hosted in collaboration with Engineers Without Boarders (EWB) at the UP. Engineers were introduced and got to play with Intel Developer Tools while realizing and exploring possibilities. With such tools, students can take their ideas in motion to address the needs of the growing wo
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
1 min read

Skateboarding For STEM Development

Skateboarding is a fairly popular game in South Africa amongst youth. It is used for recreation, sport, transport mode and to make a living. One of the biggest Skateboarding events is the Kimberley Diamond Cup which takes place in the Northern Cape province with the Skateboarding World Championships. Geekulcha began a collaboration with the Northern Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT) to explore possibilities of skateboarding as a stimulant for Science and Technology car
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
1 min read

A Weekend of Space Apps in Kimberley

The Northern Cape, the astronomical capital of South Africa, is home to the South African Largest Telescope (SALT) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project. These two projects are to help make our lives be more informed and advance Space Knowledge. Over the weekend of 22-24 April, Kimberley joined over 100 locations around the world for the NASA International Space Apps challenge. The Innovation Incubation programme by NASA seeks to gather developers/innovations together to solve challenges
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
2 min read

Intel Training at Wits

Intel Software and Services through Geekulcha reached out at the Digital Innovation Zone (Wits University) for a Maker-based training for students. The training consisted of the Intel RealSense and Intel Edison board. With such tools, students can take their ideas in motion to address the needs of the growing world. The Intel RealSense camera is getting some good reception from the student developer communities and it's quite easy to develop for. Although the avail camera was the F200 version,
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
1 min read

Geekulcha vacation programme

At Geekulcha, we believe that the foundation of IT as a solution provider should start early in schooling. Many students select IT as a career path with little knowledge of the industry and also having had little hands on experience with the IT community. To address this matter, Geekulcha launched an initiative in July 2014. The Geekulcha Vacation Work (GKVacWork) programme is aimed at creating IT awareness in high schools and showing young students how to use ICT to solve every day issues. It
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Intel Training at VUT

Students at the Vaal University of Technology had the opportunity to play around with Intel Developer Zone tools. The Geekulcha hosted a training based Intel RealSense 3D camera and the Intel Edison board for the students. These are the tools shaping up the developer ecosystem and more students need to be exposed to them. It's really easy to get started, here on []. VUT students were provided with tools for the training. > The underboxing of the @In
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
1 min read

The SKAHack 2016 is almost here

Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is an international effort to build the world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope. The SKA project is driven by Big Data [] ,collaborating to confront Big Data challenges and developing skills in Big Data management. Sol Plaatjie University and WITS have introduced data science to address the skills shortage in South Africa. Big Data continues to be one of the growing trends in the world with the number of internet users gr
1 min read

Make a good idea a great idea

Being good at something does not automatically make a good business idea. Being personally invested, or passion as they put it, is a critical element of realising the difference between a good and great idea. Although brainstorming sessions and research are essential for building a business idea, the “need” will usually come while you are hard at work and A: You wish there was a better way of doing it or B: The product/service doesn’t exist at all. We often associate a good idea with complexit
2 min read

Let's Create More Open Data Clubs

You have probably heard a lot about Open Data, data this, data that - what's this fuss really about? Believe it or not, we are all in the data business. This is what the cool kids are up to these days, crunching on that data. Open Data is not a new concept, data have been given out on the Internet by various organizations. Why the surge in popularity? There are many civic tech organizations like Geekulcha who just want more data. The greatest pressure is out on the government - "feed us with m
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
2 min read

Africa Checkout: Celebrating Innovation in Africa

As Geeks, the perception is that we spend most of our time behind the computer - turning caffeine into code, making and breaking things. I was once told that "Tiyani, if you don't play outside, you will never develop outside interests". This was a challenge to get out and see what others are making/doing. The Tech world is Huge and there is enough space for everyone to surf. We grow by learning from each other through skills and experience. Innov8 is an exciting Innovation event hosted by The
Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama
2 min read