Meet Keitumetsi
Hello everyone, Keitumetsi here. IT fanatic, soon to be graduate, lover of food and full time optimist. I’m the new addition to the crew and, might I add, I am super excited. I’m looking forward to sharing my opinions and hearing yours about the modernization that Information technology has to offer.
I was introduced to Geekulcha by Griff (@macgriffiths), a fellow IT enthusiast that I attend varsity with at the University of Johannesburg. Taken by the idea of bringing a better IT experience to the community, I too wanted to contribute to the ICT development in South Africa (while having a good time) and what better way to do that than through Geekulcha?
How did I meet the crew? Social Media of course! This medium is a great tool because it enables people to network from any location. It brings together societies with the same interests to one platform. This is how it came about that I “met up” with the crew members. We would share our points of view on many IT related matters. It is always amazing to connect with people who are excited about the same things you are. Not long after that I met Lehlogonolo, Tiyani and Thabang at the Microsoft TechDays event, where I won the tweet geek prize (very fitting).Who would have thought that tweeting would get you anything?
I believe that more effort should be put into students and corporates coming together to bridge the gap between the learning and corporate world. This will enable graduates to be better equipped to face the working industry and reach higher lengths with less effort through proper guidance. Technology is a broad industry; join us as we explore the various fields that contribute to the evolution and success of the IT phenomenon. From the core of software development, to the benefits that business corporations have reaped. All topics will be reached for the coverage of all aspects in the industry.
We are living in the greatest era of discovery. It is only when you’re thrown in the deep end that you realise your learning capacity, stress tolerance levels, how to capitalize on your strengths and , even more profiting, work on your personal weaknesses. Ladies and gentlemen, this is IT, this is the deep end. It’s time to learn how to swim.
First blog coming soon!! Look out for it out as I (obviously) discuss the role of females in the IT industry and how it has changed. Woman power *whoop*
In the time to come Lehlogonolo and I will be looking through the developments that have been made and brought by the IT industry, how it has improved our lives and how we, as young IT individuals, can better ourselves. There is a lot to be discussed. Your Big Data, Cloud, Marketing, Social Media, Application development, new devices… the list is endless. We will also be seeing the sight of the different aspects of how innovation is changing the Business and IT industry, and how they work together to advance life.
Feel free to give feedback/suggestions and follow conversations at #Geekulcha
Follow me on Twitter (@keitu_tsotetsi) and of course @Geekulcha. Stick with us to see how incredible IT can be. It’s about to get larger-than-life.