Intel Training at VUT
Students at the Vaal University of Technology had the opportunity to play around with Intel Developer Zone tools. The Geekulcha hosted a training based Intel RealSense 3D camera and the Intel Edison board for the students.
These are the tools shaping up the developer ecosystem and more students need to be exposed to them.
It's really easy to get started, here on VUT students were provided with tools for the training.
The underboxing of the @IntelRealSense by the @VUT_Online students. It's about to go down
— Geekulcha (@Geekulcha) March 26, 2016
The training also extended to include Android training, to show developer new tools and techniques in mobile apps development.
As usual, participants came up with innovative ideas they could build with the Intel RealSense camera.
Here's what the participants had to say:
We would like to thank the Google Developer Groups and Vaal University of Technology for hosting us.
Watch out,the training is coming to a campus near you soon.