Intel Training at UP

Intel Training at UP

Intel Software and Services through Geekulcha reached out at the University of Pretoria for a Maker-based training for students. The training consisted of the Intel RealSense and Intel Edison board.

The training was hosted in collaboration with Engineers Without Boarders (EWB) at the UP. Engineers were introduced and got to play with Intel Developer Tools while realizing and exploring possibilities.

With such tools, students can take their ideas in motion to address the needs of the growing world.

The Intel RealSense camera is getting some good reception from the student developer communities and it's quite easy to develop for. Although the avail camera was the F200 version, students are finding innovative solutions.

University of Pretoria students are interested using the Intel RealSense for fashion solutions.

Geekulcha urges students to join the Intel Developer Developer zone for more greater opportunities.