Innov8Makers To Accelerate Innovation
Innov8, championed by The Innovation Hub is high-end networking panel discussion type of an event to assess the Innovation Ecosystem and strive on finding more angles to build the Innovation capacity.
Now, this edition is hosted by the Geekulcha Maker Library Network (MLN) and it's NOT going to be a talk only but also includes hands-on maker activities. As it will be interactive, we will be exploring 'Making' as a tool that accelerate innovation.
Details of the event (FREE to attend)...
Date: Tue, 25 October 2016
Time: 17:00 - 20:00 (Light dinner will be served)
RSVP Here:
The people must realize and embrace the "Power of Making" as this instill more creativity and innovation. Different speakers wills sit on the panel to discuss their techniques/practices and inspire others. Ecosystems, particularly the International one through the Maker Library Network are critical in sharing, uplifting and celebrating human excellence.