IBM Bluemix at TUT
Did somebody say student skills development? Now you are speaking our language and we had heed a call from IBM South Africa to reach out to students with their Bluemix platform. Tshwane University of Technology is home to some of the coolest Geeks we know and we saw it cool starting out with them.
In this modern world of the ICT world, you hear things such as Cloud, Cloud Computing! What's all this exactly? Does it matter and why should we care? A young girl once challenged the Geeks: "Unless if you come up with a solution for my rural community, I won't take you serious." This was touching, think Cloud for mass-impact.
IBM have a really cool platform to help developers develop their apps fast, easy and it's all in the Cloud. It's important that we bring these technologies to the people but for what? We are setting out a challenge to TUT students to use this opportunity in developing solutions that matters.
These are TUT students starting to embrace the Bluemix evolution for cool developers out there.
Be on the lookout with Geekulcha on social media, we might be coming to a campus near you very soon. Can't wait, reach us out on