#gkVacWork Shaping Tomorrow's Geek Culture
Geekulcha, a platform for over 9 600 ICT young Geeks across the country is build on the basis of creating an active and vibrant tech army to connect, learn, share and put skills to real use. Since 2013, the Geek Culture in South Africa through various tech activities driving Innovation and Creativity. Geekulcha has since won awards in its role for this purpose in South Africa.
As the world grow smarter and smarter, there is a need to create a future we want to see. A pipeline is important nurture the Geek Culture that will further build and and lead tomorrow's world for the betterment of civilization.
The Future GeekStars Initiative
In preparation for the future, Geekulcha created the Future GeekStars initiative in 2014 to prepare and groom the Geeks of the future. The initiative consits of the Geekulcha Vacation Work (gkVacWork) programme, community outreach and mentorship for young people.
#gkVacWork @NorthernCapeSA will take place 09 - 13 July in Prieska. Igniting STEM and Digital skills capacity of tomorrow's Geek Culture. @Geekulcha @NCDevEco @jjza @iamkeenanG6 @HorbachBonnie @weideJUR @JustJoZA @Stellarated @CrestonCam @carlosbarker16 @SZondi @ITWeb pic.twitter.com/03AHHJ8RSs
— Tiyani Nghonyama (@TiyaniTee) April 28, 2018
The gkVacWork in particular, is a hands-on programme for young people to learn how to code and build tech startups. Quality is key on the programme and at most, youngsters have a week to build an app, website, graphics design, electronics system and must have a business case for their solution. Free and open to youngsters beween the ages of 9 to 20 years old.
Always great to see the projects/solutions that come out of the VacWork programme built within a short space of time.
It takes a village to raise a Geek, therefore the VacWork programme allows university students to volunteer as mentors for the period.
50% of the #gkVacWork April Mentors were female. This is a Skills Redistribution programme also emphasizing the value of Mentorship. @raeketsetsa @Geekulcha @InnovHub @mlabsa @Geek_In_U @CinaWood @Seeko_ElectroDJ @NellMorake @HorbachBonnie @GirlCode_za @SheSouthAfrica #STEM pic.twitter.com/2wzcdDlTJS
— Tiyani Nghonyama (@TiyaniTee) April 10, 2018