#gkVacWork Mpumalanga: Issa Coding Holiday
Holidays with the Geeks, youngsters from the Thaba Chweu Local Municipality are currently sacrificing their summer holidays to learn how to Code and be all innovative. The Geekulcha VacWork programme led and orgnized by the Vulinqondo Innovation Hub, kicked off today in Mpumalanga at the Thusong Community Centre.
Mentored by the team from Geekulcha, Vulingqondo Innovation Hub, Reacoda and Thusong Community Centre, the 40 youngsters are learning how to code and build their own tech startups during the holidays.
#designthinking session with the high school students underway at the #gkvacwork @Geekulcha @vulingqondo pic.twitter.com/NbiHSttFL7
— #1milreacodas2030 (@reacoda_code) November 27, 2017
The Innovation Capacity is ripe in Mpumalanga and these youngsters have to put their thinking caps on and make their solutions be business-sounding.
Follow up on social media: #gkVacWork
We look forward to the solutions that will be built during the week and seeing the youngsters become top Tech leadersv in the country.