Geeking Out At KDC
What happens when your system is running on Geek Juice? You live and breathe Technology and impact? You see the world as a connected thing and think it can be smarter? These are similar symptoms that the Geekulcha Geeks had and went all out to attend the Skateboarding World Championships - the Kimberley Diamond Cup.
Geekulcha and the Northern Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism are making skateboards smart and cooler through Maker activities at KDC.
Geeks must do Geeky things and it's all fun when we do it together. Geekulcha called on all Northern Cape Geeks and skaters to be involved in SkateHacks activities, putting cool sensors and communication modules on skateboards.
The Maker activities aims to encourage youngsters to be involved in Science, Technology and Sports. KDC hosted over 100 best skaters from 50 countries with R5 Million cash prizes at the Kumba Skate Plaza.
Hack-a-Skate was a challenge that Geekulcha had set out and opened the platform to the public to give out best ideas for Skateboarding Tech Innovation. Samuel Baloyi and Solly Cossa, as Serial Electronics Hackers, they did live hacks that attracted and exposed youngsters into the world of technology.
Geekulcha also used this opportunity to launch and pilot its SkatePoint app that helped the audience with information and test their knowledge while enjoying the game of skateboarding.
There was a lot of skateboarding greatest moments, we took a lot of photos and videos. Best 3 skaters in the world gave us a great show but it was America's Nyjah Huston who took the ultimate $100 000 prize.
Networked, disturbed the peace and hung out with some very cool people. KDC have about 16 events per year including the World Skateboarding Championships and we are looking forward to all of them.
Entertainment was also point from the Kimberley Football Free stylers, 5FM Djs, local hip-artists and international flavour by Mos Def.
Check out the photos HERE