Africa Checkout: Celebrating Innovation in Africa

Africa Checkout: Celebrating Innovation in Africa

As Geeks, the perception is that we spend most of our time behind the computer - turning caffeine into code, making and breaking things. I was once told that "Tiyani, if you don't play outside, you will never develop outside interests". This was a challenge to get out and see what others are making/doing.

The Tech world is Huge and there is enough space for everyone to surf. We grow by learning from each other through skills and experience.

Innov8 is an exciting Innovation event hosted by The Innovation Hub to bring Innovators together and keep the ecosystem vibrant. This time around, Innov8 had a theme "Celebrating Innovation in Africa" - #Innov8CIA. A perfect opportunity for Geeks Night Out and get on with the people in the ecosystem.

It was truly an exciting night, various countries were represented in light of the Innovation Prize Africa challenge. This year's edition of the IPA will be hosted in Botswana in June.

What a night! There was so much wisdom on the panel such that we could write a book of African Innovation Narratives. Moderated by The Innovation Hub's CEO, Mr Mclean Sibanda, the panel consisted of Innovation prisoners and enablers, Intellectual Priority activists, Indigenous Knowledge holders and others. There are 2 things to take away from both panel discussions:

Building a Culture of Innovation

"Africa Solutions for African Challenges" was a theme for the first panel discussion. This panel brought together Innovation Pioneers and Enablers to discuss ways of making Innovation thrive in Africa.

Knowledge Production

Themed "Made In Africa", Africa's best of minds took stage, perhaps the Godfathers and mothers of Innovation. The panel took focus on African Knowledge and Innovation. "If we loose the education competition, we loose everything" - Prof Nyasse from Nigeria.

Geekulcha Northern Cape will be hosting a second edition of the NCDevHack in August which will focus on "Our Future through Innovation and Indigenous Knowledge".

This was a first Innov8 event of the year, there will be more to come. We encourage you to get out of the box, discover and be discovered.

Africa is rising with a capacity of Innovating for humanity and the future we want to live in - play your role. Keep with these types of events through or email

We can't wait for the Innovation Prize Africa and if you have a lift in going to Botswana, do halla at the Geeks.