A Day of Skateboarding For Hope

A Day of Skateboarding For Hope

This weekend we joined some of the South African finest young skaters with the Kimberley Diamond Cup's Skateboarding For Hope. This regional qualifier event for the Skateboarding World Champions was hosted at the YBF Skate Plaza in Bryanston, 27 May 2016.

With a focus on empowering youth through skateboarding, Skateboarding For Hope aims to reach underprivileged kids throughout South Africa by introducing skateboarding as a powerful, positive alternative to destructive lifestyle choices that provides a sense of purpose and self worth.

Source - KDC website.

We love the vision of SFH in empowering the future. Ten youngsters from One Love Skate were given brand new skateboards to help build their dreams in being great skaters.

Good times with the One Love Skate kids from Johannesburg here at @ybfplaza #kdcskate #skateboardingforhope

A photo posted by Kimberley Diamond Cup (@kimberleydiamondcup) on

Geeks? Skateboarding? Geekulcha in collaboration with the Northern Cape Department of Economic Economic Development and Tourism (DEDaT) have launched the SkateHacks initiative that uses skateboarding to attract more youth into Science and Technology.

Skateboarding unveils the beauty of Creativity and Art, as the world gets smarter and starter, things are getting more connected and integrated together. We need to use Technology as an enabler to make skateboards more cool and smarter.

Great talent was showcased, uprising talent such as Ashton, Lehlogonolo and others. Congratulations to all the winners of the different contests.

DEDaT and Geekulcha will be bringing maker activities at the KDC events. This youth month, there are activities lined up for SkateHacks with KDC.


The Kimberley Diamond Cup has connected and built a family of skaters - this is a future we want to see.

The world is growing, it us up to us to imagine things and make them a reality - let's Hack-a-Skate.